3-Step Daily Video Review Instructions:
Elevate Your Daily Achievements
in Under 60 Seconds

By dedicating just 30-60 seconds to this daily video review with PEST, you elevate your achievements, nurture positive emotions, and acknowledge your breakthroughs. This practice creates a powerful ripple effect, enhancing your mindset and setting the stage for continued success and fulfillment in your life. Embrace the simplicity and effectiveness of this practice to unlock your true potential.

Step 1: Daily Achievement through Deep-Work Session (10-20 seconds)

Start your daily video review by reflecting on your most significant achievement from your deep-work session. Recall the task you tackled with undivided focus and how it contributed to your overall progress. Share a quick summary of the accomplishment, and the sense of fulfilment it brought you.

Step 2: Reflect on Small or Major Breakthroughs (10-20 seconds)

Take a moment to contemplate any small or major breakthroughs you had throughout the day. It could be a solution you discovered, a new insight gained, or a hurdle you successfully overcome. Share this breakthrough in your video review, acknowledging the growth and progress it represents.

Step 3: PEST (15-30 seconds)

Finally, tap into the power of the Positive Emotional Stacking Technique (PEST). Recall one positive emotion you experienced during your session, such as joy, gratitude, or pride. Express this emotion on camera, letting it radiate through your words and demeanor. As you do, remind yourself that these positive emotions are building momentum for a brighter outlook.